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How Degen are you?

Ask any crypto Degen how they made their fortune in the 2024-2025 bull run and 99.9% of them will tell you Meme coins. You could have had all the utility in the world for your projects crypto token and none of it would have mattered, its all about the community and the Memes this time around. And that's where TrumpCzPepeDogeElon comes in. A literal who's, who, mashup-super token with the powers of all the greatest Meme coins in the space. It's the token that absolutely no one asked for, but everyone needed. So get on this train before it's much too late, the "bravest" always see the greatest rewards. And later in life when your on your yacht, with your kids and Grandkids, and they ask you how you made your millions. You can tell them "I just diamond handed TrumpCzPepeDogeElon". And they will say... "Based".

Ticker: $CRYPTO

You didn’t come this far to stop

- 20% Development & Marketing

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

- 80% Public sale



Launch $CRYPTO on BSC

Build Strong Community
Meme contests and giveaways
List $CRYPTO on Coingecko and CMC
Develop partnerships

In Process
Near Future

Get $CRYPTO listed onto CEX's
NFT Launch
Hit $1 Billion MC

$CRYPTO Coming soon to CZ RUNZ!

How to buy $CRYPTO

Get a Metamask Wallet here
Get some BNB from a CEX here

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Buy on Pancake Swap here